Jeremiah 29:11
I am a big Karen Kingsbury fan. I never knew fictional books could spur you on to spiritual greatness, but that is exactly what I find in her stories. Her characters showed me that it is possible to set aside time in my busy day to connect with the Lord. I remember when I was reading the Baxter Family series. I thought, 'If Ashley Baxter Blake can find time to read her Bible, why can't I? After all, I am setting aside time to read this book.' That realization was life changing. I now look forward to the time I spend with God every morning. It is a beautiful way to start each day. It is nice to see someone like Karen Kingsbury using her talent to bring glory to God. I am thankful for her and so many others like her who challenge me to be a better person.
This verse is one that Mrs. Kingsbury uses a lot in her stories. It is an important verse because it shows that God has a plan for each and every person who has ever lived. People waste so much time and effort searching for the meaning of life and here it is, spelled right out for us. You were created for a special purpose. God has a plan. If you want to know God's plan for your life, talk to Him about it. It may be writing or singing. It may be helping in a nursing home or animal shelter. My cousin's daughter collects socks for homeless people. How beautiful is that? I don't know God's plan for your life. It is different than His plan for my life. However, I can tell you that when you discover God's plan for your life and then do it, the feeling is complete fulfillment.
I am saddened when I read about all of the young people who are struggling with anxiety and depression. I know there are chemical imbalances and such, but I can't help but feel that if more people were living to fulfill God's purpose, there would be less of these negative feelings because our lives would be more about pouring into others than worrying about ourselves.
The word 'purpose' is one that I have been praying about this year. As Thanksgiving approaches, I can say I am thankful that God gives us purpose. We aren't just floating along, fighting our way through life. We are here for a reason. I am here to be a daughter to Kurt and Dorothy, a wife to Rob, and a mother to Tyler, Joel, Evan, and Julia. I am here to be a contributing member of my church and put books away at the library. I am here to write and inspire people with the characters and stories God lays on my heart.
Got Purpose? Sure you do! Now go find out what it is and 'Just Do It' :)