Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Awesome Gift of Children

"When you see the children that I will give you, then you will acknowledge that I am the holy God of Israel.  You will honor me and stand in awe of me."
Isaiah 29:23

Although it may not always seem like it, children really are one of God's most precious gifts to humanity.  Many times the birth of a child brings with it unparalleled joy and hope for a better future. I am so thankful for the gift of my children.  They are four healthy, beautiful, special people and I am in awe of the Lord for blessing me with them.  Each one of them is a miracle.

I would like to take a 'mom' minute to brag about my kids, and the way each of them enhances my life.  Tyler is no longer a child, but a young man.  Julia says he is the funny one.  Sometimes I wonder.  I admire his ability to make and fix things, a skill he definitely gets from his father.  Joel is the one that could easily get lost in the shuffle.  He is quiet and compassionate.  I often refer to Joel as the peacemaker.  I enjoy watching movies with him several times a week, although lately I fall asleep before the end.  Evan is full of energy, which is very trying at times.  If I could bottle what he has, I could make millions selling it to Monster for their energy drinks.  Evan puts 110% into everything he does, especially pushing buttons.  As a girl at youth group said of her brother: "He pushes buttons I didn't even know I had."  That describes Evan to a tee.  I admire his enthusiasm. Julia is the baby and the only girl, a role that she fills well.  Her days are brimming with dancing and My Little Ponies.  She enjoys reading, which thrills me.  It took four tries to get one that likes to read. When a local newspaper reporter wanted to interview someone about my book, Julia offered to read it - in one night if she had to - so she could help out. Julia has a kind heart and being with her makes me want to be a better person.

So that is my crew.  It honestly saddens me to hear what society tells us about children today.  If you believe what you see on TV, children are a burden and parents are stupid.  God's Word tells us something different.  It says that children are a gift from God, a reward from Him.  Although parenting is the hardest job in the universe, I prefer God's view of children over the world's, and I will forever treasure the family I have been blessed with.

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