Saturday, November 21, 2015

Big Plans

" “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” "
Jeremiah 29:11

I am a big Karen Kingsbury fan.  I never knew fictional books could spur you on to spiritual greatness, but that is exactly what I find in her stories.  Her characters showed me that it is possible to set aside time in my busy day to connect with the Lord.  I remember when I was reading the Baxter Family series.  I thought, 'If Ashley Baxter Blake can find time to read her Bible, why can't I?  After all, I am setting aside time to read this book.'  That realization was life changing.  I now look forward to the time I spend with God every morning.  It is a beautiful way to start each day.  It is nice to see someone like Karen Kingsbury using her talent to bring glory to God.  I am thankful for her and so many others like her who challenge me to be a better person.

This verse is one that Mrs. Kingsbury uses a lot in her stories.  It is an important verse because it shows that God has a plan for each and every person who has ever lived.  People waste so much time and effort searching for the meaning of life and here it is, spelled right out for us.  You were created for a special purpose.  God has a plan.  If you want to know God's plan for your life, talk to Him about it.  It may be writing or singing.  It may be helping in a nursing home or animal shelter.  My cousin's daughter collects socks for homeless people.  How beautiful is that?  I don't know God's plan for your life.  It is different than His plan for my life.  However, I can tell you that when you discover God's plan for your life and then do it, the feeling is complete fulfillment. 

I am saddened when I read about all of the young people who are struggling with anxiety and depression.  I know there are chemical imbalances and such, but I can't help but feel that if more people were living to fulfill God's purpose, there would be less of these negative feelings because our lives would be more about pouring into others than worrying about ourselves.

The word 'purpose' is one that I have been praying about this year.  As Thanksgiving approaches, I can say I am thankful that God gives us purpose.  We aren't just floating along, fighting our way through life.  We are here for a reason.  I am here to be a daughter to Kurt and Dorothy, a wife to Rob, and a mother to Tyler, Joel, Evan, and Julia.  I am here to be a contributing member of my church and put books away at the library.  I am here to write and inspire people with the characters and stories God lays on my heart. 

Got Purpose?  Sure you do!  Now go find out what it is and 'Just Do It' :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Any Thoughts?

"My thoughts," says the Lord, "are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours.  As high as the heavens are about the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours."
Isaiah 55:8-9

I don't always understand the things that happen in my life.  Why was my cousin murdered?  Why did my Grandma die when I still needed her here?  Why have I lost people I love to cancer?  It doesn't always make sense.  This verse reminds me that the Lord knows what He is doing.  I don't have to understand why these things happen; I just need to trust God.

I think of the Jim Carrey movie 'Bruce Almighty'.  Although the premise of the movie is ridiculous, and I didn't really enjoy how Carrey's character chose to use the power God gave him, the part with the e-mail,, did raise an interesting point.  When Bruce answered all of the requests with a yes, the world went into chaos.  The population exploded because people prayed their loved ones wouldn't die.  Everybody who prayed to win the lottery did, but once the prize was divided up the winnings were minuscule. 

The point of all this is that God knows what is best for the world and what is best for each of us.  He created the heavens and the earth, and He created us.  His knowledge is incomprehensible - or way above my thoughts.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Awesome Gift of Children

"When you see the children that I will give you, then you will acknowledge that I am the holy God of Israel.  You will honor me and stand in awe of me."
Isaiah 29:23

Although it may not always seem like it, children really are one of God's most precious gifts to humanity.  Many times the birth of a child brings with it unparalleled joy and hope for a better future. I am so thankful for the gift of my children.  They are four healthy, beautiful, special people and I am in awe of the Lord for blessing me with them.  Each one of them is a miracle.

I would like to take a 'mom' minute to brag about my kids, and the way each of them enhances my life.  Tyler is no longer a child, but a young man.  Julia says he is the funny one.  Sometimes I wonder.  I admire his ability to make and fix things, a skill he definitely gets from his father.  Joel is the one that could easily get lost in the shuffle.  He is quiet and compassionate.  I often refer to Joel as the peacemaker.  I enjoy watching movies with him several times a week, although lately I fall asleep before the end.  Evan is full of energy, which is very trying at times.  If I could bottle what he has, I could make millions selling it to Monster for their energy drinks.  Evan puts 110% into everything he does, especially pushing buttons.  As a girl at youth group said of her brother: "He pushes buttons I didn't even know I had."  That describes Evan to a tee.  I admire his enthusiasm. Julia is the baby and the only girl, a role that she fills well.  Her days are brimming with dancing and My Little Ponies.  She enjoys reading, which thrills me.  It took four tries to get one that likes to read. When a local newspaper reporter wanted to interview someone about my book, Julia offered to read it - in one night if she had to - so she could help out. Julia has a kind heart and being with her makes me want to be a better person.

So that is my crew.  It honestly saddens me to hear what society tells us about children today.  If you believe what you see on TV, children are a burden and parents are stupid.  God's Word tells us something different.  It says that children are a gift from God, a reward from Him.  Although parenting is the hardest job in the universe, I prefer God's view of children over the world's, and I will forever treasure the family I have been blessed with.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What on Earth???

"What else do I have in heaven but you?  Since I have you, what else could I want on earth?"
Psalm 73:25

In this life, the Lord has given me so many good things: parents who love each other and love and support me, a faithful and God-fearing husband, four amazing children, a church family to learn and grow with, a home with land for the kids to run, a pool, a beautiful camper...  The list could go on and on.  I don't know why the Lord has blessed me the way that He has, but I'm not complaining.  What else could I want on earth? 

Most of all, God gave me the gift of life through His Son Jesus Christ.  I am thankful to have the assurance of knowing that someday I will stand before God.  I will meet my Savior face to face and thank Him for all He has done for me and through me.  What else do I have in heaven but Jesus?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Double Edged Sword

"For the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12

     Since I have started this crazy road to publishing my first book, people have asked me why I write.  This verse pretty much sums up my purpose for writing.  I want to use my stories and my characters to show that God's Word, the Bible, is 'alive and active' in the world today.

     My own love for Scripture started when I was a little girl.  I used to see my dad reading his Bible every day.  The fact that he set aside time to study God's Word showed me how important he thought it was.  I would often see my dad, highlighter in hand, underlining specific verses that spoke to him.  I remember the time this observation got me into some trouble.  My parents had bought me a children's Bible.  One night, when my dad opened it to read me a story, he noticed different colored crayon marks covering much of the text.  Of course my dad got more than a little upset.  Why was I scribbling all over my Bible?  When he questioned me about it, I explained that I was just trying to be like him.  His frustration dissolved, and if I'm not mistaken, he seemed to be flattered and impressed at the same time.  I guess that goes to show that you never know what habits your kids are picking up by watching you.

     Flash forward many (many) years and I am proud to say that I have moved on from my children's Bible.  I am also proud to say that my Bible is still getting colored in.  I highlight verses that speak to me, draw pictures in the margin, and generally mark it all up.  I will never forget the look on Pastor's face when I opened my Bible to Hebrews chapter 10 and he saw the blood drops I had drawn all over it to remind me of Christ's sacrifice on the cross.  Jesus paid it all, right?  Anyway, I'm glad that my Bible gets put to good use.  I hold it close in times of trial.  I seek its wisdom when I need guidance.  I pray the Psalms when I want to praise God for all He is and all He does in my life.

     I am happy to be sharing my thoughts about scripture with you.  I hope after reading my posts and reading my books that you, dear reader, will also be able to say with confidence that the Word of God is alive and active.